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Cancelation Policy

Standard Provisions

This Refund Policy is incorporated within and not in lieu of the Agreement.

Subject to more specific refund policies stated below, Services that you purchase from us may be subject to a refund only if cancelled within the following timeframe:

Annual Plans: Within 30 days of the Transaction Date.
Monthly Plans (less than 1 year): Within 48 hours of the Transaction Date.

Security Services with remediation service cannot be refunded once a cleanup request has been submitted and services have begun (including automated scanning).

“Transaction Date”, means the date of purchase of any product or service, which includes the date any renewal is actually processed by us or via our Site.

No Refund After Account Closure: Accounts will be automatically closed upon cancellation/termination of all Services. You must make a request for refund before your account is closed. Even if otherwise eligible for a refund under our standard or specific policies, no refund will be made if notice is provided after the date your Service is cancelled or terminated for any reason.
The Standard Provisions are subject in all cases to the specific refund policies set forth below and in the case of a conflict the specific refund provision most favorable to us will apply. Some Services are not subject to refund.